Substitute smartphone looks to cure us of our smartphone addiction

collected by :John Smith

... We stare wantingly at the smartphone on a desk or finish table waiting — nay begging — to be picked up. ... Our hands reach with a speed and precision which affords the good grip as we grab our phones and ...Ahhhhhh. One in five people would rather go without shoes for a 7 days than take a break from their phone. Austrian designer Klemens Schillinger has created something called Substitute smartphone designed to wean people from their smartphone addictions. Is it the sensory satisfaction of holding the smartphone that's at the root of the addiction?

Yes, phone addiction does harm your teen's mental health

These were matched for biological gender and age with other 19 entrants without phone addiction (the controls). Participants with a further severe net and phone addiction were too found to have crises with depression and anxiety, as well as sleeplessness and impulsive behavior. Imbalances in GABA and Glx levels have previously been found to play a role in mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. The investigator hypothesizes which GABA levels in the anterior cingulate cortices of youths with a phone or net addiction can be associated with damaged cognitive and emotional processing in the brain. "The promoted GABA levels and disrupted balance among GABA and glutamate in the anterior cingulate cortex may contribute to our understanding the pathophysiology of and treatment for addictions."

Yes, smartphone addiction does harm your teen's mental health

Substitute smartphone helps to overcome smartphone addiction

according to Designer Klemens Schillinger has created a determine of therapeutic phone-like objects, to help smartphone addicts cope with being away from their devices. The Vienna-based designer created a series of 5 Substitute Phones, that Utilize stone beads to imitate the different motions used for Intelligent devices, such as scrolling, zooming, and swiping. "It was the same thing, however without the nicotine, just the physical stimulation," he said. "I remained this and thought to make phones that would provide the physical stimulation however not the connectivity." As this kind of plastic is relatively heavy, the substitute smartphone too replicates the weigh of an ordinary smartphone – making the imitation further convincing.

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