"businessinsider" site state : Google will generate $4 billion in 2017 from the Pixel

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Google will generate $4 billion in 2017 from the Pixel

Google will generate $4 billion in 2017 from the Pixel
this image is quoting of "businessinsider" site

- Morgan Stanley has estimated that Google's new smartphone, the Pixel, will generate $3.8 billion in revenue for the company in 2017.The estimate is based on the expectation that Google will sell around 5-6 million Pixels next year, which retail between $649 and $869.The bank also projected that Google will sell 3 million Pixels in the last three months of 2016, generating $2 billion.
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Google Pixel: Google Pixel to generate around $4 billion revenue in 2017: Morgan Stanley

Google Pixel: Google Pixel to generate around $4 billion revenue in 2017: Morgan Stanley
this image is quoting of "indiatimes" site

- NEW DELHI: Google Pixel is estimated to generate revenue of $3.8 billion across the globe in 2017, according to a Morgan Stanley report.Around 5-6 million Pixel devices are expected to be sold the next year, the report suggested.Google is projected to sell around 3 million Pixel devices by the end of this year itself and will be half as profitable to the company as iPhone is to Apple , as pointed by the report.In the last quarter this year, Apple sold 45.5 million iPhones which could be difficult for Google to beat.
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