twitter / The New York Times (@nytimes) / 2016-11-22

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The New York Times (@nytimes)

The New York Times (@nytimes)
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Protecting Donald Trump costs New York City more than $1 million a day

Protecting Donald Trump costs New York City more than $1 million a day
Protecting President-elect Donald Trump and his family is costing New York City more than $1 million a day, according to three city officials.And those costs won't necessarily drop significantly once he moves to the White House.That's because Melania Trump and their 10-year old son Barron expect to stay at their home at Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan, at least until the end of the school year.

Trump Cancels New York Times Meeting

Trump Cancels New York Times Meeting
PhotoA planned meeting between president-elect Donald J. Trump and The New York Times appears to have fallen through, with Mr. Trump declaring on Twitter on Tuesday morning that he had canceled the gathering because the ground rules had been changed.A spokeswoman for The Times responded that the paper had not changed the arrangements for the meeting and was not aware it had been canceled until reading Mr. Trump's Twitter posts.The Times said Mr. Trump's team had asked on Monday to change the ground rules.

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