TechCrunch said: Your smartphone could soon be the first step for diagnosing skin cancer

Could your smartphone catch skin cancer?

Your smartphone could soon be the first step for diagnosing skin cancer
Research findings published in Nature today hint at a future where anyone, anywhere, might be able to perform a basic skin cancer screening on a smartphone. Utilizing machine learning, a Stanford team, including Udacity's Sebastian Thrun, was able to match the accuracy of dermatologists at identifying skin cancer. If caught early, skin cancer isn't particularly deadly. This work underscores efforts by Google's DeepMind and Microsoft to classify conditions that can lead to blindness using machine learning. Computational capability is still paramount for most tasks in machine learning, something that just doesn't exist yet on mobile.
Research findings published in Nature today hint at a future where anyone, anywhere, might be able to perform a basic skin cancer screening on a smartphone. Utilizing machine learning, a Stanford team, including Udacity's Sebastian Thrun, was able to match the accuracy of dermatologists at identifying skin cancer. If caught early, skin cancer isn't particularly deadly. This work underscores efforts by Google's DeepMind and Microsoft to classify conditions that can lead to blindness using machine learning. Computational capability is still paramount for most tasks in machine learning, something that just doesn't exist yet on mobile.
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collected by :Andro Alex

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