Nubia’s new wearable puts a 4-inch flexible smartphone on your wrist

collected by :John Smith

Less common is the idea of using flexible displays to bring together the form factors of the smartwatch and the smartphone. But that's exactly what Nubia has done with the Nubia Alpha, a smartwatch with a lot of the functionality of a regular smartphone. So what can the wearable smartphone do? Nubia plans to release a couple of different models of the Nubia Alpha. The first version of Nubia's wearable smartphone will be its black Bluetooth variant, which will be available in Europe and North America starting in April with an average global price of €449 (around $510).

Are new smartphone disease trackers missing a key target: women?

YAOUNDE (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The smartphone revolution has brought new ways of fighting infectious diseases in the developing world but women are missing out because they are much less likely to use phones. But the low usage of mobile phones by women in developing countries has curbed the impact of the new technologies, the review found. "Even when they do use mobile phones, they are less likely to use it for services such as mobile internet that could improve their health," it said. Conrad Tankou, a doctor who became a social entrepreneur after seeing many health problems in rural parts of Cameroon, said that it is not common for women there to own mobile phones. "What we tried to do is educate women on the importance of actually using your phone properly.

Are new smartphone disease trackers missing a key target: women?

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