Could you stay off your smartphone for a year? You could win $100,000 from Vitaminwater

collected by :John Smith

SALT LAKE CITY — Could you spend an entire year without your smartphone? If the answer is yes, you might want to look into Vitaminwater's next challenge. What's going on: Vitaminwater will award $100,000 to anyone who can go an entire year without a smartphone, CNBC reports. #NoPhoneForAYear #contest — vitaminwater® (@vitaminwater) December 11, 2018Next steps: The company will select one contestant on Jan. 22. Prizes: If you last an entire year, congrats: You get $100,000.

Coca Cola company paying you $100,000 to give up smartphone

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Enhanced water company Vitaminwater, Coca Cola-owned company, recently launched a contest challenging entrants to give up their smartphones and tablets for a whole year. That's a tough thing to do in this day and age, but the company is ready to make it worth your while by putting up a $100,000 prize. That means giving up your own phone and tablet as well as agreeing not to use anyone else's handhelds either. Sounds easy enough, but first you have to convince the company that you're the right person for the job.

Coca Cola company paying you $100,000 to give up smartphone

Vitaminwater challenges millennials: Go without a smartphone for a year, win $100,000

according to Vitaminwater has created the ultimate challenge for millennials: Quit using smartphones for a year and win $100,000. Vitaminwater will choose one contestant on Jan. 22 and downgrade them to a bulky 1996-era cell phone. Stick it out for a year and win $100,000. While millennials and Generation Zers could certainly benefit the most from a $100,000 windfall, they are the most consumed by this real addiction. Despite the odds, I think millennials are uniquely positioned to win.

Vitaminwater offering $100,000 to go without your smartphone for a year

Could you live without your smartphone for a year? Vitaminwater is offering $100,000 to go without your smartphone for a year through a contest. People can enter the contest through Jan. 8 by sharing on Twitter or Instagram what you do without your phone using the hashtags #nophoneforayear and #contest. Smartphone or tablet use of any kind is not allowed. If the winner only lasts six months without a smartphone, they will receive $10,000.

Vitaminwater offering $100,000 to go without your smartphone for a year

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